Free Home Collection of Samples * T&C

Our Services - Histopathology

Cytopathology is the use of specialist diagnostic techniques to examine individual cells extracted from tissues to determine the cause and nature of a disease. Cell samples may be gathered during routine diagnostic tests, such as bronchoscopy and cystoscopy. Specific tests, such as the Papanicolaou test, also known as the Pap test or fine-needle aspiration, can be used to gather cells from specific sites for diagnosis. Analysis of cell samples is often a rapid process, but requires specialist training to correctly identify cells that pose potential danger to a patient, such as pre-cancerous, cancerous or infected cells.

Facilities at Our Centre:

Ø  Analysis of pap tests, body fluid evaluations and diagnostic examination of fine needle aspirations.

Ø  Liquid Based Cytology (LBC) used for extra precision in diagnostics.

Ø  Exfoliative Cytology of various body fluids to find malignant Cells.

Ø  Report generation status is notified to you through SMS alerts.

Ø  Status of the reports can be tracked online from the website

Report Delivery: Report can be downloaded from website. Hard copy can be obtained from reception.


* Booking of the service can be done from Home Collection Tab